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Get Your Mojo Back As A Leader In This Super-Stressful Era

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Get Your Mojo Back As A Leader In This Super-Stressful Era

“There are many companies out there with lofty mission statements, but if a leader personally acts or moves the company in ways that are inconsistent with that mission, people notice it, and you'll lose them as customers or employees,” says Herrmann. “A company is only as successful as the people within it. Business is complex and ever-changing. It is a leader's job to unleash the creativity and potential of each employee in the organization to make the best decisions and continue to evolve its product or service to meet the needs of its constituents. Large, bureaucratic organizations with a top-down decision-making style will fail to adapt and implode over time.”

Business News: Get Your Mojo Back as a Leader in This Hyper-Stressed Age